Zeinap found hope in 'The Good Samaritan'
When their boat turned over on the Turkish-Greek border, Zeinap realized that she had lost not only her husband and her 2 daughters but also her hope for the future. The only survivors of her family were her and her 8-year-old son, who suffered from Down Syndrome.
Mother and son returned to their homeland to bury their loved ones who were so unjustly lost at the bottom of the sea. When they returned to Iraq, however, a surprise awaited them - Zeinap was pregnant. Some time passed and she gave birth to a baby boy. Despite the difficulties, the relatives did not support the distressed mother, but marginalized her, due to the mental deprivation of her first child. Deeply wounded, Zeinap resumed her journey to Greece, but this time with her two sons. Her courage rewarded her and she finally arrived in Athens, while her journey led her to the door of 'The Good Samaritan', where she received clothes, food, psychological support, while participating in English learning programs.
The team of 'The Good Samaritan' offered them clothes, food and psychological support. Also, both she and her eldest son began taking English lessons. In fact, the Center provided a person to take care of him exclusively and to help him participate in children's programs.
After a while, Zeinap started participating in the weekly Bible study and soon the Word of God began to change her life. The smile returned to her face, her heart filled with peace and new hope for the future flooded her mind. "I knew the love of Jesus Christ. Now I am happy and I have hope. God has helped me change the way I see my eldest son," said Zeinap, who took control of her life and is now experiencing a genuine inner change that only Jesus Christ can bring!