“What you sow, you will reap”

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"What you sow, you will reap"


"What you sow, you will reap" (Galatians 6:7). This is the reality of HM missionary, Fivos Mandagiozis, who lives in Lima, Peru. He sows love and he reaps love.

It was 12 years ago when Fivos, a Greek who grew up in Germany, went on a trip to the other side of the Atlantic. After 3 months he knew that Peru would become his adopted homeland. Despite many difficulties, he has become very attached to the people, who now feel like family. He also enjoys the local food, which he finds to be delicious!

Fivos’s heart is to reach children with the love of Jesus. Little hands constantly squeeze his neck affectionately or hold his hand while he goes about his daily activities. Children crave Fivos’s attention: some press themselves into his chest where they feel a sense of security, while others -with faces full of laughter- invite him to play games. And then there are the teenagers who are desperately looking for attention and conversation.

Currently, Fivos houses a 3 year old child and two teenagers, ages 14 and 15, who come from deeply troubled families. For now, these children have found a safe haven in the home of the hospitable missionary with the wide smile and the big heart. He is modeling for them what it means to be a faithful follower of Jesus.

Fivos also cooks for the homeless and cares for drug addicts, taking them to rehab centers and encouraging them through a series of classes entitled "Celebrate Recovery". He also holds Bible studies and leads worship in a house church and in various gatherings of believers.

Recently something wonderful took place! A young man named Peter— whom Fivos had introduced into rehab 9 years ago—preached in the small house church! This was a blessing for everyone, but especially for Fivos, who has delighted in watching Peter’s transformation over the years, as he has been set free from drug addiction and grown in a deeper relationship with Jesus.

When he sees children being "touched" by God and their lives changed, he is filled with joy and strength to continue. Fivos has only one prayer request: That doors will be opened to share God's love with as many people as possible, in this place which has "stolen" his heart.