“Today, I was encouraged by your visit. I love you!” 

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Operation Joshua is a national church planting catalyst movement bringing a New Testament to every home in Greece.

"Today, I was encouraged by your visit. I love you!"


"God, I want to give New Testaments to my grandchildren so they can know You, but I don't have money to buy even one..." said a sweet old woman in prayer and went to sleep.

To her surprise, the next day she woke up to a wonderful sight: a group of us were distributing free New Testaments in her village! With supreme enthusiasm, she ran to meet us, to thank us and at the same time to explain that over the years she had received a lot of contempt for her faith in God.

"Today, however, I was encouraged by your visit. I love you!" she told us, and after filling her hands with New Testaments, she ran to distribute them to family and friends.