Reasons to be Grateful!

We are grateful for the privilege of having a medical team helping our students by examining them and doing an overall health checkup, which included checking their heart rate, blood pressure, sugar levels, etc. We also had a team helping us with maintenance and improving our courtyard/little garden area…

Petalouda: beehive of activity 

The Petalouda ministry (“Butterfly”) has begun its autumn activities, allowing children in the Roma community to lift their wings and “fly” as they participate in various programs. At the beginning of September, the Social Center opened the preschool department for…

Nektarios: “The Petalouda Center for me means joy, peace & help”

“My name is Nektarios, I am 10 years old and I have 3 siblings. I am calm, talkative and sociable. The Petalouda Center for me means joy, calm and help. I still remember my first visit five years ago; it was the first time I painted in my life! A teacher, Molly, sat down with me and helped me learn the letters. We played, we sang and I couldn’t wait to come back…

Improving the conditions in Roma houses

Can a new door on your home make you happy? It sure can, especially when it keeps your favorite belongings safe from the gaze of burglars. Nikos, a resident of the Roma community in Ano Liossia, is one of eight shack owners so far who have benefited from the Petalouda Educational Center’s House Project Program, which seeks to improve local living conditions…

The Petalouda Center ‘gave wings’ to Timos

Timos is an 11-year-old boy who lives in a Roma settlement; thanks to his relationship with the Petalouda Educational Center, Timos had the unusual opportunity of a second chance at education!
The little one found himself at the Petalouda Educational Center at the age of 8, and for 2 years he attended classes through which he learned consistency, perseverance in goals, and especially…

How stealing became a lesson and a blessing!

An unexpectedly warm welcome from the Roma children and a sincere apology for the damage they caused was enough to bring tears to the eyes of their neighbor; both experienced radical change God brought to their hearts. When we began the operation of our training center Petalouda, which has operated in the Roma community since 2016, the children who came were very angry…