A meeting with Mrs Aspasia

When we arrived at Mrs Aspasia’s house, she invited us into her yard and, full of gratitude for the gift we had just given her, she offered us some juice. After reading our leaflet about who we are and what we do, she was very touched. She started asking us why…

“I am even ready to die for Christ!”

Gregory could not believe his eyes when he saw us distributing New Testaments in his village! Full of emotion, he explained how the Bible had radically changed his life when he read it a few years ago. He used to work in nightclubs, playing the bouzouki and was addicted to drugs. Today, however, he is…

Nothing is a coincidence

One of our participants that has been involved in Operation Joshua since the very beginning and has almost never missed a day of distribution couldn’t go out for a couple of days this year. His son called him and asked him to go and repair his guitar because the strings broke. So, our participant found a music store and went there. A lady had the store and she started talking about her problems and about the financial issues she is facing with her store…

It takes only a second!

One of our teams left a New Testament to an old lady and she started crying. A participant asked her why was she crying and she said that her son died two years ago from cancer. He was 32 years old and had a young boy. Our participant felt in his heart to tell her that she was a good mother and none of this was her fault. She started crying even more…

“Do not forget me!”

At the village of Ktimeni in Karditsa, our team met Mr. Thomas, a believer! He showed us his Bible and we shared we were giving NTs in modern Greek. “That’s so much better for the villagers!” he exclaimed. He told us that during the war he was on a balcony giving out cigarettes to the soldiers passing by. After giving 10, he fell off the balcony from an 18m height. He could not walk for 8 months but as soon as he could, he gave thanks to God and that’s when everything changed…

When people’s responses are surprising

Sometimes people’s responses are surprising! Like the one that a lady from Trikala gave to our volunteer when he told her that through the New Testament he gave her she can know who Jesus Christ is. “I know who Jesus Christ is!” she replied confidently, explaining that five years ago she was in a car accident with her husband and they both ended up under a truck. Their car was completely destroyed, but…

“I have committed many sins”

“I have committed many sins”, said the 40-year-old man from a village in Trikala. Having regretted the two abortions, but also the sterilization that he had forced his wife to undergo, the villager wondered if there was any hope for him. “There is no small or big sin, because before the eyes of God sin is sin. Do you think I’ve done less than you? Christ, however, forgives all sins, as long as we come before Him with repentance”…

“Thirsty for the Word of God”

How beautiful it is when someone has a thirst for the Word of God, as in the following story from Operation Joshua this year! One of our volunteers explains: “As we were in a village in Trikala, I left a bag with a New Testament on a door and turned to leave. As I was walking away, I heard someone behind me yelling while chasing me. In the beginning, I was scared because I didn’t understand the language she was speaking, but I soon realized that she lived in…

A story of salvation

“Welcome! What did you bring us?” Mrs. Eleni from Trikala asked with a dose of anticipation when she saw the gift I left at her door. After explaining it was a New Testament, she looked at me and said, “We are old now. We’re about to die. Do you know where we’re going?”. I couldn’t believe my ears! It was the perfect opportunity to talk to her about the salvation Jesus offers!

Our country needs this!

We never know how the person in front of us will respond when we offer them a free New Testament. Stories like the following encourage us to continue the distribution vigorously, with persistence, joy, and a lot of enthusiasm. As we were handing out New Testaments on the beach of Itea, a woman stopped to ask what we were doing. When we explained to her that we had gathered volunteers from all over the world to share the Gospel in every Greek home she said…