A “Suitcase” Full of Rejection 

“Those who live on the street may carry few things with them, but they always carry a large ‘suitcase’ full of rejection from family and friends. How much they need someone who will not pass them by, but will sit beside them and…

Νeeds next to us

“Who would have thought that this 82-year-old man, unshaved and suffering from a broken leg, use to be a Mathematician at the University in his youth? After chatting for a while, I asked him if we could help him in any way. He replied, ‘as you know winter is coming and I’m not prepared for the cold…could you give me a blanket?’

Gratitude in Action

One night while our Exit teams were distributing hot chocolate to the homeless in the streets of Athens, a young Indian asked me to walk with him for a while. “Of course” I answered, and followed him. He wanted to know if we were the team that helped the poor. When I said yes, he said he had something to give me…

“The best day of my life”

When a young member of HM’s EXIT team ran into Tasos* on the streets of Athens, he was surprised that the Roma homeless man remembered his name. Tasos also remembered spending time at Porto Astro with other refugees some two years prior. “It was the best day of my life. I still remember how…