Happy Graduation!

Happy Graduation!!! The Discipleship Training Center recently celebrated 10 graduates! The theme of the graduation was Honor; during the ceremony, honor was given to the teachers, mentors, and especially the students, who have displayed diligence and enthusiasm during the 6 months of study. The honor was also shown to the students by a local Romanian church who blessed each student with gifts and provided a meal after the ceremony.

A skills workshop for refugees

Colorful threads, needles and thimbles strewn on the furniture; tangled with laughter, engagement and commentary in a variety of languages ​​was the atmosphere created by the diverse sewing team meeting every Friday in Gabby’s home for about six months, before being housed in a gallery in central Athens. There the group received its official title as the…

Making 100 handmade bags

100 Bags!!! The ladies of the Skills Training Center recently fulfilled an order for 100 handmade bags for a church in the Netherlands! International Women’s Day is on March 8; the church placed an order for these bags to be used as part of their celebration. Making 100 handmade bags is a large project under normal circumstances; making them during…

‘It takes a village’

‘It takes a village’ – this concept describes the joint efforts involved in creating Christian content aired into Afghanistan. In 2020 our Media team, made up of 3 studio staff and 4 volunteer vocalists, produced 43 thirty-minute radio programs. These programs include both a topical discussion from a Christian perspective with accompanying…

Turn the world upside down

A refugee woman turned our world upside down during a recent visit. She lives alone in a one-person tent in a nearby camp; currently, she lives in a cold tent since it is winter in Athens. Our purpose in visiting was to give a small gift and also share encouragement through prayer. When we asked about any additional needs she exclaimed with much gratitude and joy that…