Our country needs this!

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Operation Joshua is a national church planting catalyst movement bringing a New Testament to every home in Greece.

Our country needs this!


We never know how the person in front of us will respond when we offer them a free New Testament. Stories like the following encourage us to continue the distribution vigorously, with persistence, joy, and a lot of enthusiasm.

As we were handing out New Testaments on the beach of Itea, a woman stopped to ask what we were doing. When we explained to her that we had gathered volunteers from all over the world to share the Gospel in every Greek home she said, “Just this morning I found an application on my cell phone with the Psalms and read some verses. I thought how nice it would be to have a Bible. And today, how beautiful it is to have a New Testament in my hands!” Then she asked for another New Testament for her husband.  
As she said goodbye, she wished us well saying, “Continue your beautiful action encouraging the people around you, because our country needs it!”.