Nothing is a coincidence

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Operation Joshua is a national church planting catalyst movement bringing a New Testament to every home in Greece.

Nothing is a coincidence

One of our participants that has been involved in Operation Joshua since the very beginning and has almost never missed a day of distribution couldn't go out for a couple of days this year. His son called him and asked him to go and repair his guitar because the strings broke. So, our participant found a music store and went there.  
A lady had the store and she started talking about her problems and about the financial issues she is facing with her store. She also mentioned that some people passed by and left these New Testaments. Our participant grabbed the opportunity and told her that she should read it every day while opening one and showing her that the New Testament has a stamp from the Greek Orthodox Church.  
They spoke more and since she had a heart that was seeking God, our participant asked her if he could pray for her life and for the problems she is facing. She agreed and as he was praying she started crying and telling him that she can't thank him enough for what he did.