Hope in the twists

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Hope in the twists


At thirty years of age, Tonya * would acknowledge her life has been far from easy. But the constant twists have made her a strong woman, able to overcome even those moments when she wanted to end her life. Today, as a mom to five wonderful children, she is able to say: "Thank God!" 

Tonya arrived in Lesvos from Syria in 2018 with four children. There she was sexually abused, with the rapist threatening that if she resisted he would also rape her nine-year-old daughter. This harrowing incident left her pregnant, and within a few months she was transferred to Athens where she suffered a miscarriage. 

Soon the love of Jesus was revealed through a group of people—including some from our Social & Medical Center "Good Samaritan”—who surrounded Tonya and her children with practical and medical assistance.  

As Tonya’s interest in Jesus increased, she faced resistance from her local community. One day she texted a Christian friend, saying, "I accept threats because I am interested in your faith in God. They threaten to circulate my photo online, so they can target and kill me and set an example for those who are interested in faith." Her believing friend told her that safety was important and suggested they stop their meetings. But much to her surprise, Tonya asked to come to church. Within a short time, her relationship with God deepened and she soon asked to be baptized! 

A new unexpected "hit"  

Unfortunately, in June 2020 a new incident shook her life. The state subsidy for her home had expired, so she started pursuing a new place to live. One day she went to look at a house for rent where an Arab-speaking person sexually assaulted her. Tonya was raped for the second time and again became pregnant. "I want to end my life" was the thought that tormented her mind; her faith was shaken, and she felt that God had abandoned her. 

When she recovered from the shock of the assault, Tonya concluded that abortion was her best option. Her friends at the Hope Center, however, gently presented alternatives. Soon Tonya started thinking about adoption, and as time went on, she began to consider keeping the baby. The Hope Center team listened to her misgivings and thoughts with compassion and understanding, encouraging her to believe that through these difficulties something good could take place.  

Tonya again began to study the Bible and pray, and soon her spirit was full of gratitude and thanks! Now she says with joy, "Ever since I started reading the Bible every day and praying, I realized I was wrong to take my problems to people before taking them to God. All this time Christ was by my side and I was ignoring Him. Now I have learned to go first to Him, the One who will never leave me, and then to go to people.” 

A new beginning 

During this season, since she had not found a home, she decided to approach the United Nations.  Surprisingly, within a few days, Tonya and her children were relocated to Germany. There she gave birth to a healthy baby girl and sent us the following message: "I am very happy, and my decision to keep the child, I believe, was God's will." She is also grateful that in her new place of residence she is already being visited by Arab-speaking Greek believers. 

Although this change was abrupt, leaving us no time to even say goodbye before her departure, it is our wish and prayer that a better future awaits Tonya and her precious children in Germany. 

* The name has been changed for protection reasons 

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