From a suspicious to an open heart

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Operation Joshua is a national church planting catalyst movement bringing a New Testament to every home in Greece.

From a suspicious to an open heart


"Things were difficult. Our car was trapped at a dead end in a remote village in Trikala and we could tell that it would take a while before we would be able to leave. Without wanting to waste time, I took the opportunity and went to a nearby house to give a New Testament. The family who lived there looked at me suspiciously because of the gift I was holding, and at the same time told me that they were afraid I would infect them.  
However, as we were talking, they started to soften up. In a short period of time, the grandmother brought her own Bible and compared it to the one I offered them. When she realized it was the same, the whole family changed its attitude and started asking for more New Testaments for family and friends!  
In the end, they wanted to treat me to some coffee, but I told them I had to help the rest of the team that was still trying to move the car. Before we knew it, the old lady and my team were pushing the car! It was a divine appointment that ended with the promise that we would share New Testaments with the rest of their relatives in the village!". 

 ~ OJ volunteer