Through church planting we desire to see a multiplication of Christ centered churches throughout Greece
The Need
Commanded by our Lord, compelled by His love and captivated by His glory, church planting in Greece arises as a natural response to the call of Christ. In a land where the Gospel has been largely forgotten with only 2% of the population in church on any given Sunday, the message of salvation needs to be heard anew. With the Word of God being more readily available in Greece through Operation Joshua the way is being paved for further evangelism and discipleship. The need for church planting is now immense.
Our Response
Recently the vision and passion for church planting is taking shape as we move into establishing churches that are in step with God’s mission. We do this by establishing contacts through evangelism, visiting the villages where New Testaments were distributed, initiate Bible studies in homes, and serve in any way we can to disciple new believers equipping them to read Scriptures for themselves. We also spend time strengthening isolated pockets of believers, seeking to partner with them in reaching their area.
Your Participation
We covet your prayers! Please pray specifically that the Lord would call forth a new generation of church planters all over Greece. That He would open doors and lead our church planters to the right people. That new believers will be transformed and in turn spread the good news. And that our young church planters will be able to make disciples, establish communities of faith, appoint leaders, be blameless in their conduct, and hold fast to the Word. We also need practical help with equipping and resourcing national church planters through internships and partnerships that will empower the nationals to carry out their God-given vision. They also need financial support in order to carry out the work.