An Unexpected Hospitality

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Operation Joshua is a national church planting catalyst movement bringing a New Testament to every home in Greece.

An Unexpected Hospitality


Two things characterize most Greeks: the strong temperament and the warm hospitality! One day we parked on the side of a village road to unload some boxes of New Testaments. As soon as a gentleman saw us, he approached us at a brisk pace and started shouting at us, telling us that we had parked in his lot. We tried to explain that we had done nothing illegal, but he turned his back and disappeared.

After a few minutes, however, he returned with a New Testament, one of the those we were distributing, and with the same strong tone in his voice he "commanded" us to park in his lot so that we could easily unload and distribute New Testaments in his village! A big "thank you" for this unexpected hospitality.