A really good gift!

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Operation Joshua is a national church planting catalyst movement bringing a New Testament to every home in Greece.

A really good gift!


"Excuse me, what are you giving there?" asked a group of elderly men sitting outside a café. We approached them and explained what the gift included. They wanted to know if the Bible we were handing out was the same one used in the Orthodox Church and we showed them the inside page, confirming that it was approved by the Holy Synod of the Church of Greece. One of the men joked that he would take it, but if it turned out to be different, he would throw it right back at us! We said a friendly goodbye and went on our way.  

Less than 5 minutes later, the same gentleman caught up with us in his car, opened the door and handed us the bag. When we saw him, we assumed he was going to return it to us. However, to our surprise, he asked us if he could get another New Testament to give to his friend, as he could see that this was a really good gift!