Living life together & creating beautiful memories

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Living life together & creating beautiful memories


The Skills Training Centre (STC) was launched in 2019 and supports refugee women, mainly from Iran, Afghanistan and Ukraine. These women find themselves in a vulnerable situation as they live in a foreign country with a different culture and language, and they have no work or income. At the STC we give them the opportunity to learn a skill, such as sewing, making clothes, soap, shampoo or balms, which may generate an income. At the same time, we share the Gospel with them as each lesson begins with prayer and a Bible study. 

According to Liliana Ball, a chemist and soapmaking teacher and the centre's director, "When we gather together, it's not just about a skill being taught, but living life together and creating beautiful memories." 

Natalya, Liudmila, Eugenia, Nina and Anastasia packed their things in a hurry a year ago, when the war broke out in their homeland, Ukraine, and they suddenly found themselves in Greece, with a suitcase in hand, struggling to make a new beginning for themselves and their families. 

When they heard about the activities at the STC, they found them interesting and decided to participate. So, every Wednesday morning the place is filled with dynamic, active Ukrainian women, whose eyes are sparkling, and their voices are cheerful and full of enthusiasm. They enjoy teasing each other, while the questions they ask their Russian sewing teacher, Helen, reveal their thirst for learning. 

Sewing machines "catch fire" amidst colourful threads and thimbles, irons steam up straightening delicate fabrics, while a variety of soap moulds are spread out on the counters, generously spreading their exquisite scents of orange, lavender, basil, vanilla, and rosemary intended to become the finest care products. 

"This place is a gift from God," says Natalia, and 82-year-old Nina adds: "God is here and helps us, by giving us two very good teachers, who answer all our questions." 

"What is the biggest difficulty in the lessons?" we ask them, -" the fact that they are only once a week!" says Liudmila jokingly and continues: "Here we don't just learn a skill, but we find companionship, communication and new friends. Every time a class ends, we look forward to the next one!” 

When talking about the relationships that have been formed, Liliana explains that "these classroom walls have heard many sad stories, but also happy ones, laughter and tears, celebrations and birthdays..." On Women's Day, Liliana lovingly offered her students a cake and handmade gifts. Their eyes glimmered with the joy one feels when they sense they are special. Our prayer is that each student will continue her beautiful creations and that she will be able to see herself exactly as God sees her: wonderful and special!