50-year-old threatened for his faith

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Operation Joshua is a national church planting catalyst movement bringing a New Testament to every home in Greece.

50-year-old threatened for his faith


While walking through the alleys of a village we met a local man with a haggard appearance and an exhausted expression, sitting in his car. At first we approached him hesitantly and explained that we had come to offer him a New Testament. As soon as he heard this, he got excited and began to point to the book with his finger, saying the word "Jesus!" repeatedly.  

Filled with excitement, the 50-year-old man put his hand in the glove compartment of the car and showed us his New Testament! "My family has threatened to kill me for following Jesus. But if they kill me, I know I'll go straight to Heaven," he told us confidently.  

His strong faith encouraged us greatly and we gave him another New Testament to give to someone else.