Α coffee that ended up lasting… 4 hours

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Operation Joshua is a national church planting catalyst movement bringing a New Testament to every home in Greece.

Α coffee that ended up lasting... 4 hours


During Operation Joshua we made a stop in a village of Viotia at the main café of the village to get organized and have a quick coffee! This coffee ended up lasting... 4 hours, because we spent time with the owner of the cafe, his family and many locals talking about God! 

The owner treated about 20 of us in his shop! While we were chatting, he remembered that when he was a young child, his grandmother used to read him stories from the Bible. Over the years, however, his faith was shaken and after seeing various scandals, he became filled with bitterness and turned away from God. He told us that he now wanted to make a new start, drawing closer to Christ!  

As we were leaving, and while he was greeting us along with the other villagers, he told us full of joy: "I am amazed that some people have travelled from so far away to come to my place with no other interest than the love they have for God!"